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Recognizing The Black Books

The Black Books served the Vampyre Community from 2017-2024 as a Vampyre Community directory & resource hub. After its retirement and closure on December 30, 2024, The Vampyre Coven decided to figure out how to fill the void left behind where TBB once was. A prominent and well loved feature of TBB was its user map, helping people find individuals in the Vampyre Community around them. We hope to do the same.

The Vampyre Coven offers this blurb of recognition to The Black Books and its curators Damon, Leth and Elizabeth for their service to the community and being the first to offer a map like this to the online VC.

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    Write a tagline in the above space about you/your org to make a good first impression! Mission Statement or twitter bio style style. (aka very short) You can elaborate further in the description section below.
    The Vampyre Coven now has its own internal messaging system.
    To find out what your profile link is to share with others to message you, go to This User Profile Link - it will open a new window taking you to your user profile. Copy & paste your user profile link to put here. Alternatively your link is[username] without the brackets if you know what your username is. Including your user profile link is now required to include here so people can message you.
    Point of contact info is only relevant if representing an organization or business - otherwise leave blank
    Remember: this page is viewable by the public. Only include public social media pages, public websites, and public or throw away email addresses for your own security! We highly recommend you make a new gmail account specifically for nightside purposes. Include as little or as many of the social media options below as you'd like, just be safe and smart about it. This is no longer a requirement now that we have an internal messaging system, but you're free to include as many or as little contact options as you'd like.
    If you don't have any of the above contact methods, write in how one should get in touch with you.
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