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Category: Vampyre Community

Vampyre Community


Agro Factor Alpha

I have noticed an alarming factor in the newly awakening, and even in some of the older vampires on the lists. There is an unnerving tendency to attack anything and all things that don't perceive the world around them from their particular point of view...

Why Vampires are Arrogant

There seems to be an overwhelming arrogance that permeates the vampire community. That whole “I am better than you are and you should respect me for it whether you want to or not” thing that has gotten more panties in a wad than any lexicon of terms or debate over whether we should use the spelling vamp’I’re or vamp’Y’re.

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Vampirism in the Movies

I can honestly say that I have gone out of my way to watch every vampire movie I could, soaking up every detail that I could. So yeah. You can say I am a Vamp Flick Fan. Early on, when introduced to the world of film (or should I say 'to the world BY film') the dark, deadly and rat-like Nosferatu made its first appearance. Overwhelming themes of this myth based vampire rocked the screen and, for its time, frightened its share of movie goers.

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