The Mobtown Halo – Baltimore’s Vampyre Community

The Mobtown Halo

What is The Mobtown Halo?
The Mobtown Halo is the nightside name for the vampyre current that flows through the Baltimore metro area. As of 2017, it’s the only organized Vampyre resource in Maryland, so we provide support to all of Maryland’s Vampire Community as we can. We are not a Court, Coven, Order, or House. The Mobtown Halo is just an egregore of sorts representing the collective that is the Vampyres of Baltimore.
We are headquartered in Baltimore County and majority of our events and gatherings happen between Baltimore City & Baltimore County.
What do you mean by real vampyres??
If you’re not familiar with the Vampyre Community or what “real vampyres” are, this information can seem very strange. On this particular page, we are not roleplayers. We are individuals who have come to the real vampyre community to explore our awakenings and embark on a journey discovering and honing our vampyric nature. The Vampyre Community and the vampyric phenomenon is not new. In fact, it’s something that’s been explored since the 60’s. This website is chock full of blogs on the topic to explore! Here’s some articles to start with to learn more:

What can you find in the Mobtown Halo?
The Mobtown Halo is the home to a team of Vampyric Orders creating an up and coming force of a modern vampyre community collective.
The leaders within the Mobtown Halo have been diligently working to craft events, resources, and private spaces for Vampyres & their Allies of the Mobtown region to come together to learn, grow, and have a great time together.

House Omnia Corvus
House Omnia Corvus is a responsible nightside kin to express their nature and explore their journey. We are a small and very selective private House that works hard together to learn, grow, and maintain our sister organizations. All of our members are involved with the Greater Vampyre Community to varying degrees. Despite our small numbers, we have a large footprint and impact on the Vampyre Community both locally in the Mobtown Halo as well as abroad & online
Vampyre House that dedicates its time to curating safe areas for practical and
The Vampyre Library
The Vampyre Library is a privately curated intimate collection of material written by, for, and about real vampires, and the vampire subculture as well as a hub for Community news, activities, and information sharing. The Library is dedicated to preserving and documenting Vampire Community history in its ongoing ‘Vampire Community Historical Timeline’ project.
The Vampyre Library’s social media pages regularly feature books, events, and quotes from works for and about our community, including hard to find and out of print texts

Mobtown Halo Events Gallery
(2017-Current in no particular order)

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