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The Rocky Relationship Between Vampyrism & Kink

The Rocky Relationship Between Vampyrism & Kink

In honor of International Fetish Day, let’s have an convo about Vampyres & Kink

For as long as I have been involved, the online vampire community has completely sanitized the idea of vampyric kink and BDSM dynamics out of the equation of vampyric experience. It was largely to stop having vampyres fetishized by people outside of the community who have no respect for those they’re talking to or the VC in general. But every niche group that is fetishizable or able to be lusted after has the same issue of disrespectful creeps treating people like objects. That’s not a vampyre issue, and it’s not reason enough to deny a deeply rooted aspect of the vampyre lifestyle experience that has existed since day one.

The Online Community’s disdain for vamp kink today is largely a conditioned trauma response against horny guys asking to be bitten, bled dry, or otherwise used as a masturbatory aide. So, as a knee jerk response to such advances, it became a means of protecting themselves and “the whole community at large” to immediately discredit vampire kink, fetish, and BDSM conversation regardless of who it came from or why. The community treated the desire to involve vampyrism with kink as a desire only portrayed in posers and the ever dreaded lifestylers only. As such, a community wide shroud of shame exists around this topic.

What people forget is how powerful and beautiful it is when you embark on safe, sane, consensual, responsible, and educated journeys with BDSM. Consensual power exchange, the S&M side of things, the kink protocol and lifestyle… everything under that umbrella is an excellent way to raise and exchange energy, feeding and “hunting” is plentiful in certain BDSM communities and events. It’s perfectly fine to want to indulge in these things and it’s absolutely normal for a vampyre to want to do vampyre shit in the bedroom and in their debaucherous life too. That was part of the allure of the vampyre community once upon a time. But the ebbs and flows of history have turned the kink lifestyle many once loved and deeply immersed in into as an expression of their vampyric nature and turned it into a taboo even amongst our community. Just be safe, don’t be stupid. Be risk aware. Educate yourself on the SAFETY and then the fun parts. If you’re able to be smart and discerning about it, do what you want. Fuck what others think.

Vampyres have almost always been creatures who find beauty in the dark and joy in the taboo. Don’t let the prudes of the community keep taking that from you. Don’t let the community make you fear asking questions about this side of the experience. Abstinence attitudes are dangerous because people are going to do the things anyways… so get it out on the table and have those conversations so you can make educated choices and not hurt people in the process of your experimentation.

Thanks for coming to my International Fetish Day TedTalk

About The Author

Madame Corvidae

Vampyre | Witch | Coven Headmistress 🦇 Excavating the history and mystery of the Vampyre Occult & Subculture to create resources for seekers of the blood.

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