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Can you “feed” on a rare steak?

Can you “feed” on a rare steak?

Look, I’m not here to yuck someone’s yum. I’m not here to destroy anyone’s ability to placebo themselves into a burst of energy that they definitely need… but as one of the people in the vampyre community who has no problem stating my hot takes, I have felt compelled to write about the idea of people feeding on rare steaks.

The idea that someone can sate their energy needs or bloodthirst by eating a “nice bloody steak” has been around as long as I’ve been exposed to the vampyre community [aka decades]. It seems to be a topic around more beginner vampyre spaces and it’s always interesting to hear brought up.

So let’s talk about that “blood” on your plate when you have a nice juicy rare steak. It’s a red liquid that comes out of the meat that does have a resemblance to blood, sort of. Unfortunately, there’s not actually any blood in it at all. The red liquid is water mixed with a protein called myoglobin. It’s a substance that comes from muscle tissue breaking down. Myoglobin liquid is released while the meat ages and/or cooks. It’s why if you leave meat in its packaging for a while, you’ll have red liquid in the package. When your steak is left less than fully cooked, the liquid still excretes from the steak while on your plate.

“Myoglobin looks like blood on your plate because, like hemoglobin, the iron in myoglobin turns red when it is exposed to oxygen. That’s why muscle tissue is red. Most mammals have plenty of myoglobin in their tissue, which is why meat that comes from mammals – including beef, lamb and pork – is known as ‘red meat’, and meat that comes from animals with low levels of myoglobin (like most poultry) or no myoglobin at all (like some sea life) is known as ‘white meat’.” –

The reasons people feel like they’ve fed after eating a juicy steak are likely psychosomatic

(or misplaced energy feeding)

Many Sanguine Vampyres have historically loved a nice juicy steak to help curb their cravings, but it’s a usually paltry superficial replacement that is more a tease than anything that helps sate the thirst they have. A lot of sanguine vampyres go into this experience knowing it’s a willful attempt at a placebo effect to try to get by in a pinch. It’s the act of trying to curb cravings using things that trick you into being okay for a bit rather than truly believing you’re getting the benefits of drinking blood from steak juice.

Energetically… there’s a few different theories I have around what energetic benefit people get from this.


First, if they’re having a nice rare steak dinner at a restaurant of some sort… they may be unconsciously feeding off of the energy of the experience or environment. Whether it’s the people around, the energy of going out etc… there’s probably some energetic feeding on something other than the steak at the same time as the steak and that’s really where the energy burst comes from.

Second, they could be getting a meal of good nutritional value that maybe they don’t usually have? Perhaps they’re getting energy from taking care of themselves and eating right? What nutritional or diet factors are playing a part here?

Third, it could completely be a placebo effect. Maybe they’re just excited to be part of vampyre culture and becoming excited about trying to make themselves fit into the vampyre box. They’re learning cool new things, just figured out what feeding is, and they’re getting rushes from whatever they think is gonna make them seem more vampyric.

Ultimately, a steak is a dead piece of meat… So, is there really any energy to be had from it? Could you go to the store and touch all the steaks in their packages and feed on the energy of them that way? I wouldn’t think that’d be a good idea, nor one with any energetic value. On the Sang side, does Myoglobin have the same or similar “vampiric” nutritional value as blood to be able to curb cravings? In my experience and from what I’ve heard from others, I wouldn’t think so…

I am a huge lover of a good steak dinner, but I don’t think any vampyre out there is getting any kind of true feeding experience from the steak dinner itself.

(I truly can’t believe I just wrote a whole ass blog about this haha)

About The Author

Madame Corvidae

Vampyre | Witch | Coven Headmistress 🦇 Excavating the history and mystery of the Vampyre Occult & Subculture to create resources for seekers of the blood.

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