The conversation regarding the types of Vampyres there are vary from person to person or group to group. The ideas around what makes someone a Vampyre have changed drastically over the last 30+ years. In this particular article I will go over Vampyric categorization by means of feeding styles.
Before I dive in, let’s talk about a couple different perspectives on Real Vampyres. There are groups within the Vampyre Community who believe that anyone adept in the occult is capable of honing vampyric capabilities. That anyone with enough practice and study in the arts of subtle energies can utilize Vampyric gifts to better their life. There are others who believe that Vampyric nature is only bestowed upon people who are born with the “dark gift.” That only certain people are predisposed to coming into their Vampyric disposition.
I personally think it’s a mixture of the two. I think there are those who are born predisposed with the Vampyric condition and that they have an actual inherent need to feed. A true bloodthirst or energy lust that needs to be taken care of to remain balanced. I do however believe that anyone who is adept in the occult has the ability to utilize vampyric energy practices within their personal practice. It’s a desire to indulge, and not a need. I also believe that every Vampyre can learn to feed in all ways. That a single Vampyre is capable of embodying every single type of Vampyre on this list if they chose to learn. (Aside from people who feel they need to consume blood to stave off medical illness, but nothing I write really applies to them since they’re very athiestic and nonspiritual usually about their condition… but we’ll talk about that in a later post)
I leave you to do with that information what you will. Interpret it how you see fit, and feel free to discuss in the comments below.
With that said:
What are the different types of Vampyres?
At the fundamental level, there are two kinds of Vampyres when categorizing them by their feeding methods.
Sanguine(Sang) Feeders and Psychic(Psy/Psi) Feeders.
(but wait, where are the sexual feeders? I’m getting to that! Keep reading!)
Within these two labels there are several subcategories of Vampyric types… many of them residing under the “Psychic(Psi) Feeders” category.
First let’s talk Sanguine Feeders.
Sanguine is a term derived from the Latin term “Sanguis” meaning blood. So, I’m sure you can see where this is going. Sanguine Vampyres or Sanguine Feeders are those who find sustenance through blood. There are two notable types of Sanguine Feeders.
First, there are those who identify as Sanguine Vampyres. They believe that blood is the highest concentrated source for pranic energy and find spiritual value in the donor exchange experience.
Then, there are Med Sangs. Med Sangs are individuals who believe there is a physiological/medical need for blood in their diets. They do not generally buy into the magickal/Occult side of Vampyrism. They are usually atheists who don’t buy into the value of “energetic nutrition” so to speak. They also historically reject the “status quo” of the popular “socio-political” vampyre culture narrative.
While Blood Sucking Vampires are what is conjured when hearing “Vampyre” spoken aloud, it’s the minority experience of the general vampyre community.
While depictions of blood are synonymous with the vampire aesthetic and the images conjured when talking about vampires… The reality is that very few people in the grand scheme of the VC actually drink blood. It may be more prevalent than the average human realizes, but drinking blood is still a taboo idea that even the vampyre community has trouble with.
Next let’s talk Psychic Feeding
Psychic Feeders are Vampyres that feed on various forms of human energy. You’ve probably heard the terms “Psychic Vampire” or “Energy Vampire” before to describe mentally and emotionally draining people to be around. We have people like Dion Fortune, Anton LaVey, and thousands of internet bloggers to thank for that universally recognized phrase. To be perfectly honest, this isn’t completely incorrect… but there’s more to it. These types of people can sometimes be unawakened real vampyres, unsure how to control themselves yet. Or, they’re just assholes.
Psychic Vampyres are individuals who feel an instinctual need to obtain energy from other human sources through psychic feeding methods. This can be achieved through several psychic and meditative techniques including drawing in ambient energy in your proximity, through tendrils, by touch, etc. Energy can be obtained from an individual, a group at a distance, a heavily populated area, or a place with a large amount of active human history. One’s ability to feed on these various outlets will depend on one’s energetic capabilities. Psychic Vampyres can practice their energetic gifts (or hindrances) to build and evolve their skills and open up new ranges of feeding opportunities for themselves over time and perseverance.
There’s a bunch of “types” of Psychic Vampyres!
First and foremost I’d like to discuss Sexual or Eros Vampyres.
Many people consider Sexual Vampyres their own third main subcategory of Vampyre. I personally don’t agree. Eros Vampyres usually feed from the energy raised during sex or courtship. This is achieved through the physical touch of intimacy or through the psychic feeding of the energy raised during foreplay and intercourse, especially at the moment of climax. It can sometimes even be from the consumption of sexual fluids. While consumption of anything leaves this type of vampire not quite in the psychic range, I still consider it as such.
Emotional Vampyres
are those who feed and thrive from the energy created from the emotions of others. Sometimes it’s a side effect of improper energy balance or Vampyric care. If you’re someone who is unaware of your Vampyric nature, you can completely throw off your mental balance compromising your emotional well being by unwittingly feeding on the strongest emotions in the room. You will start to latch on to dramatic situations and can begin to find yourself involved in a lot of unnecessary emotional turmoil, often not even your own. It can become a habit that you can’t escape if you’re not careful. Eventually, you can dive into becoming a Drama/Chaos Vampyre if you’re not careful. This is often what younger vampyres start out as….
Then there’s Elder Emotional Vampyres.
Elder Emotional Vampyres does not include every emotional vampyre as they age. Elder in the VC begets the image of someone wiser, more experienced, more responsible, and that’s how I mean it here too. They’re the true empathic vampyres who learned how to wield their emotional feeding in positive/productive ways.. Many emotional and empathic vampyres find themselves in positions of service, especially healing services, as the ability to heal means taking in the emotional energy and transmuting it for your clients. Emotional Vampyres feed on what people don’t want energetically and the Vampyre helps heal the person in the process. They often walk a tightrope balance between being healthy and being 2 steps away from becoming their dramatic counterparts, but their wisdom holds them from going over the edge until extenuating circumstances arise (that we pray never have to arrive)
Drama/Chaos Vampyres
are the darker side of Emotional Vampyres. Drama or Chaos Vampyres are individuals who feed off of the negative energy created from reactions and emotion. Chaos Vampyres thrive off of the attention of being involved with negative interactions. They feed on conflict and testing the people around them. Just as described above for Emotional Vampyres, an unconscious/unaware Vampyre can unknowingly become a Chaos Vampyre because of their inability to regulate their energy intake nor their personal energy systems. They will begin to subconsciously create things to feed on and they’ll orchestrate problems to feed on the hype and drama they cause. They’ll latch onto other people’s drama because their vampyric nature is latching onto the strongest emotional responses around. They begin to stir up shit for sport and food. This type of feeding is a lot like being faced with a Narcissist, so you need to be careful when this type of behavior presents itself. If you become the Drama Vampyre, it takes a lot of shadow work to not only recognize it, but to reprogram your thought patterns and behavior to stop needing to feed drama to your shadow side and sate your needs in a more healthy way.
Astral Vampyres
are Vampyres that are able to travel through the astral plane and feed off of the energy of other people within the astral plane. They are able to project themselves as an astral being into the unconscious plane. Often this is done with people who are asleep and in a dream state. Personally, this is the only form of feeding I have absolutely no experience with that I know of and therefore not my forte to teach much about, but I would love to hear of anyone’s experience with this if they have it.
Vampyre | Witch | Coven Headmistress
🦇 Excavating the history and mystery of the Vampyre Occult & Subculture to create resources for seekers of the blood.
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