What does it mean to have a vampyric awakening?

When one has a “Vampyric Awakening,” it is the process of realizing that they are a Vampyre. Vampyric awakening is no different than any other kind of spiritual awakening in concept. The awakening process can be an earth shattering experience no matter what form you experience it in. Awakening can shake the very foundations of everything you believe and change the way you see and feel things from that day forward. Personally, I subscribe to the Vampyric nature involving a good bit of spirituality. A Vampyre’s esoteric nature works well with the spirit world. There are people and organizations that absolutely do not mix spirituality and Vampyrism. Atheists and MedSangs are big on this. I respect their beliefs and kindly disagree. We don’t harbor any ill will towards differences in Vampyric paths here. We can’t choose to be a Vampyre but we can choose how to handle what we are. Respect for the paths of others should be universal as long as it’s not detrimental to the community or just flat out bullshit.
People will tell you that a Vampyric Awakening comes in all different forms, shapes, and sizes. They’d generally be correct. However, one thing remains the same: All Vampyres are vampyric from birth. You cannot be made or turned into a Vampyre. There are people out there who will tell you that they can turn you. Often, they want money from you. Being born a Vampyre doesn’t necessarily mean you know from a young age though. Some people awaken during the puberty age and some people don’t awaken until much later in life. It’s all a matter of when you recognize within yourself that you are experiencing the phenomenon of being Vampyric. You discover that there is a part of life that has previously gone unrecognized by yourself and others. However, your nature becomes apparent to you and forces you to change your views about who and what you’ve always been. This change isn’t always just psychological, but everything about you becomes challenged by this notion.
When a Vampyre has their awakening, it starts at the moment they realize something isn’t quite normal about them. Sometimes it happens all at once and they discover their Vampyric nature in a barrage of noticeable change. Sometimes it happens gradually where they can feel the change within them but don’t fully understand it until later on. Either way, it changes your point of view and inherently your entire life the moment your awakening begins. This new worldview and shift in perception begins a lifetime of study and mastering a newfound set of skills you probably had never before considered.
Pranic Energy, or Prana (ki, chi, etc.) is your vital life force energy. The word prana is derived from Sanskrit and it is recognized by almost all cultures. Every living creature creates and uses pranic energy to live and survive. Prana is the vital force that empowers our existence. Pranic Energy is the life force energy of which all beings need to keep their bodies alive and strong.
There are two theories as to why living Vampyres require an outside source of pranic energy. One theory is that Vampyres do not create enough pranic energy on their own, so they require another energy source to maintain a healthy life. Another theory is that Vampyres have a higher turnover rate of Pranic energy. Our evolved state of being consumes Pranic Energy at a higher rate, causing us to need an outside source to maintain our energetic metabolism. Regardless of the reason, these people have a need to rely on outside sources of pranic energy to maintain a healthy balance in life. A real Vampyre supports this need through a series of different psychic, empathic, and/or physical/physiological abilities to gain the necessary pranic energy they need to survive.
Self-awareness of this phenomena can happen at any point but often shows up anywhere between adolescence to adulthood. More times than not it will begin in the teens and gradually become more apparent as time goes on. However, every awakening story is different in this regard.
The need to gain more pranic energy for yourself can surface by means of many symptoms and side effects. Until you’re able to learn to feed on your own, you may experience one or more symptoms. You could experience physical, mental, and psychic symptoms from not taking care of yourself and your Vampyric nature.
These symptoms can rear its ugly head in the form of emotional instability, erratic behavior, involvement with unnecessary drama, attention seeking, and dangerous/destructive behavior. It can come with carnal and animalistic feelings, primal urges, and even bloodlust. It becomes apparent at some point in every Vampyre’s awakening that you need to do something to quell certain curiosities and urges. This is often the point when you start to reach out to others like you.
Once you learn to feed your needs and balance your Vampyric nature, you can experience a number of abilities or dark gifts. They begin to come alive within you during your awakening. You can begin to see energy fields/auras of individuals. Manipulating energy and therefore emotions and other psychic energies become possible. Heightened attunement for energy gives you heightened awareness of things around you. This attunement can be used to tap into resources around you for your own growth. Being more sensitive to all types of energy allows the Vampyre to easily sense emotions and sometimes even the thoughts of those near who are nearby. Those who are empathic carry this out with further ease.
Because of a Vampyre’s heightened sensitivity to all energies, a Vampyre has a more crucial need to shield or oneself from excess energy or filter out what doesn’t serve them. This energetic sensitivity can manifest itself in many forms. Be it empathy or sensitivity to many things like sunlight, specific sound frequencies, electric fields, emotions of others, etc. Our sensitivities can be heightened to a problematic state when we do not tend to our needs.
A Vampyric awakening can be a joyous and amazing time filled with expansion of your physical and mental capabilities. However, any kind of spiritual awakening can cause confusion, distress, and general chaos in one’s life. It is not uncommon for someone going through an awakening to go through extreme mental strain and feel out of control.
The world often seems like a different place all together after having an awakening. We see things differently, we interact with things differently. As Vampyres, we should explore these differences and learn all we can from them. Our inherent capabilities and sensitivities to realms beyond normal human reasoning should be practiced, honed, nourished, and grown to lend us in the quest to achieve our greatest possibilities. While we have the world at our fingertips, only a taste of our potential power is given at the time of awakening. Unfortunately, many Vampyres will never grow past the point of awakening. You have to continue on your path to find your true potential.
Experiencing an awakening of any kind can be a frightening thing. You feel subtle gradual changes in your outlook or the way you view things. Or you can have night and day differences turn on like the flip of a switch, causing you to question everything you’ve ever known before. No matter how it happens, it can be a daunting experience. Don’t rebel against it or show it fear. This is likely going to be a part of you for the rest of your life. Embrace it. Acknowledge it. For trying to suppress it will only hold you back.
We have a natural tendency to reach out to others like us and learn about the diversity of them. There are many groups, clans, households, and families that exist to lend support and share the knowledge and experience of this life, but remain cautious. There is a lot of misinformation and people who have only themselves on their minds in the online vampyre community. However, that’s a guide post for another day.
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