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Shielding Shower/Bath Technique

Shielding Shower/Bath Technique

**Originally published in The Vampire Church’s E-Zine in February 2003**


Shielding Shower/Bath Technique

OK, Admit it. Sometimes you just don’t have the blasted energy to throw up even the simplest of shields.. I know, I get that way from time to time. Lack of energy, time, sleep or worse can keep me from doing even the most basic of shields.

Here is a method that will allow Nature in her infinite strength and wisdom to come to your rescue.

Items Needed for the Shielding Shower:

1) A simple hair net

2) An elastic band (I usually use a rubber band but have been known to use a hair band

3) Stones and Crystals that have an innate ability to give off shielding/protective energies

4) Incense that inspires an air of safety and protection to you (I tend to use, like always, jasmine or sandalwood)

Items Needed for the Shielding Bath:

1) Stones and Crystals that have an innate ability to give off shielding/protective energies

2) Incense that inspires an air of safety and protection to you (see above, LOL)

OK. Here I will list off some stones with natural protective/shielding qualities. These stones each have a protective nature, some of them not only protect, but protect against specific things as well. So, if you know anyone who is into gemstones, crystals and stones (or you yourself happen to be), you might want to delve into them a bit and find out the specifics.

***Remember, this is ALSO one of the elements that many people have trouble feeding from, but tapping into the protective natures of them is much easier done***

This is by no means a complete listing of protective stones, and sometimes, you may feel attracted to a particular one. I do encourage and respect the research of this area.

Amethyst, Banded Agate, Carnelian, Garnet, Falcon’s Eye (and its counterpart Tiger’s Eye), Obsidian, Quartz (clear and rose).

Now, onto the good stuff!!

For the Shielding Shower:

Take the stones and crystals you have gathered, place them in a doubled hair net (Make sure the stones are large enough to be held by the hair net or the hair net is made fine enough to hold smaller stones and use the elastic band to attach them to the shower head.. Light the incense and run the water, allowing the sense of protection and safety to wash over you, quite literally in this instance, as the stones infuse the water with this ability.

For the Shielding Bath:

I simply add the stones to the tub before running the water. While the water builds up, so does the protective/shielding of the stones.. There you have it! Both methods are quite easy to do, and generally inexpensive. (For those of you who, like me, have limited funds *smiles bashfully*)

I hope this helps someone out there.

Vitae Dominae

Belfazaar Ashantison

About The Author

Zaar Ashantison

Belfazaar Michael Bousum Ashantison is a well versed practitioner and teacher of archaic magic, Voodoo and Native American spirituality, Zaar is the founding member of the New Orleans Vampire Association (NOVA) and works at Voodoo Authentica in New Orleans when not helping the homeless.

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